A step by step guide on how to brew Hawaiian coffee with a Clever Immersion Coffee Dripper. Using Ka'u Giant Maragogipe, 100% Ka'u coffee from Big Island Coffee Roasters.
Coffee Dripper Brew Guide
What you'll need:
- Kettle
- Scale
- Burr Grinder
- Coffee Dripper w/Melitta filter
- Coffee
- Fold filter along the seams and place in the dripper.
- Rinse with hot water to remove paper taste.
- Preheat your mug or brewing vessel with hot water.
- Measure out 25g of freshly roasted coffee (about 3 tbsp.)
- Grind coffee to medium size consistency.
- Place Clever Dripper on scale, add grounds to dripper, and gently shake to level out the coffee bed.
- Start your timer and immediately pour 375g, about 12oz., of hot water.
- Use a 15:1 ratio of water to coffee; 375g of water to 25g of coffee.
- Pour water aggressively making sure to saturate all of the grounds.
- Place the lid on Dripper and let brew for 2 min.
- After 2 min. remove lid and stir gently a few times around, breaking the crust of coffee floating on top. This helps all of the coffee extract evenly.
- Place the dripper on top of your brewing vessel to start the draw down.
- All of the water should finish draining in 1:00-1:30 min., for a total brew time of about 3:00-3:30 min.
- When finished draining, remove the dripper and discard filter.
- Pour coffee into your cup and enjoy!